Duties of Annual Meeting Delegates

According to the MTA Bylaws, ARTICLE IX, DELEGATE MEETINGS, Section 2. Delegates, G. Duties:

The delegates to the Annual Meeting shall in accordance with the procedures set forth in these Bylaws:

  1. Have jurisdiction over the accreditation of delegates and alternates at the Annual Meeting.
  2. Adopt the agenda and the rules governing the meetings.
  3. Elect the President, Vice President, Regional Executive Committee members, the At-Large ESP Executive Committee member, the Statewide Retired Region Executive Committee member, the Board of Directors, the At-Large Director for Ethnic Minority Membership, the At-Large Director for Education Support Professionals, the Statewide Retired District Director(s), and the members of the Candidate Recommendation Committee as is provided in these Bylaws.
  4. Fill interim vacancies that have occurred in the positions of Vice President, Executive Committee members, Board of Directors, in accordance with Article VII, Sections 2F, 3E, and 4E.
  5. Adopt the annual budget of the Association.
  6. Establish the level of annual dues.
  7. Amend the Bylaws of the Association.
  8. Act on new business items brought before it.
  9. Enact all other such measures as may be necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the Association which are not in conflict with the Bylaws.
  10. Exercise final authority in all matters of the Association, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or by statute.